McCain Launches notice in Spanish with harsh criticism of Obama and Chavez

McCain Launches notice in Spanish with harsh criticism of Obama and Chavez
"You saw who wants to talk with Obama?" Asks the new ad campaign in Spanish for the Republican John McCain, showing a tough speech by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez against the United States and accuses the Democrat Barack Obama of wanting to meet with him "unconditionally".

The short advertisements for a minute's duration, interspersed with messages about Obama a virulent speech by Chavez when the Venezuelan leader launches expressions like "Yankees (the word was removed) go to (the word was removed) a hundred times."

"You think we should talk to Chavez?" Asks the TV ad. "In November, you decide," culminates saying.

Obama has indicated that he would meet with some of the most world leaders opposed to the U.S., without requiring preconditions but preparing the ground for such meetings. The candidate explained that there would be any pre-meetings before meetings at presidential level.

Republicans lash hard to Democrat candidate to the White House, which was branded as "inexperienced" for having proposed this scheme.

The principal advisers to McCain on Latin America, the congressman of Cuban origin in Florida (south) Lincoln Diaz-Balart, who is campaigning to keep their banking, and former diplomat Otto Reich, have said repeatedly they see Chavez as "dangerous "As an" enemy "of the United States, and have compared his" XXI century socialism "with fascism.

The announcement will be broadcast only on the state of Florida, McCain's campaign said in a statement.

Florida is concentrated in a large community opposed to the former Cuban president Fidel Castro and many critics and opponents of Venezuelan President, and is a state considered key to winning elections in the United States.